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Friday, June 5, 2009


Well, ok, not REALLY camping! It's more "R.V.'ing" or "a house on wheels" as some call it! LOL. And we actually didn't do it over night, not just YET anyway! My parents have a huge R.V. that they go "camping" in a lot and this past weekend, Kealani and I joined them, just during the day -- not ready to have EVERYONE wake up with her in the middle of the night yet! hehe. She loved it, though, here's just a few pics...

"is everyone buckled up and ready to go?!"

"hope you don't mind if i stand and drive, i'm a bit vertically challenged still..."

"hmmm... how do you start this thing?..."

me and my sister, Stephanie's boyfriend, Alek...

my sister being silly with close up pics!

1 comment:

..melissa.. said...

I LOVE her girl tank!! Soo cute!! Looks like you had a good time!