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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Uh oh... she's CRAAWWWLLLING!!! =)

Our life just got so much harder! Haha! Though, at the same time, we are so excited about this milestone! It definitely took her longer than we expected but she was just holdin' out on us showing us that you don't HAVE to crawl to get around -- you can scoot however you choose! LOL. Anyway, I am sad that I wasn't there for her first crawling adventures. =( Noah and his Dad were hanging out with her while I went with Noah's Mom to the store. While shopping, I get a video text on my cell phone with the video below. I got it and immediately was sad that I missed it. But I had to thank Noah a million times for thinking to video it and send it to me so I could be a part of it. THANK YOU, HONEY, YOU ARE SO GOOD TO ME!! Anyway, as soon as we got back from shopping, she immediately showed me her new talent! It's SO cute watching her chubby legs jiggle with each motion, hehe! =)

the video wouldn't upload properly so please click on this link to see it....


Jude said...

Hahahaha! That's GREAT! She's a girl on a mission!! I love hearing the guys excited in the background, and it's just so perfect that the video ends with "'t put that in you're....." That'll be the mantra from here on out! LOL.

Jenn & Noah said...

i know, so fitting, isn't it?!! LOL. =)

..melissa.. said...

Such a cute video!!! And I also love the excitement in their voices!! Fun stuff!

The Harris Family said...

She looks like she's been crawling all her life! How exciting! I love seeing kids approach milestones for the first time. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.