So I think I'm going to TRY growing my hair back out. I say "try" because I've said that before and then hated my hair so much and got so tired of it that I chopped it all off again, so we'll see how long I can go this time! In the mean time though, I'm having a horrible time trying to find a way to style it -- I feel like every day is a bad hair day!!! So, today I tried something different, what do you think?
The first time Kealani gets a handful of your long hair, you'll chop it off again! I spend half the day unwinding my hair from around Jude's fingers and picking long hairs off of his clothes!! LOL!! I wish I could pull of short hair, I'd chop it in a heartbeat! I'm jealous that you look great in short hair, so I vote keep it :)
A good point and something to keep in mind. Thanks Katherine! :)
Oh, and your hair looks very nice just the way it is!
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